Evaluating Groundwork Contractors London – The Importance of Customer Service

One of the important considerations that people tend to overlook when they are making a choice between the many groundwork contractors has to offer them to work on their project is the importance of customer service.

 At first that may even sound like a strange statement to make. What could customer service really have to do with hiring a groundwork contractor? Surely you should be more concerned with the way they complete their physical work and the price they charge for doing so rather than how well they mind their Ps and Qs.

Customer service, or at least good customer relationship management is very important to the success of any project that you would need to consider one of the groundwork contractors in London has to offer though. Most of these projects take weeks, if not months to complete and maintaining constant and open contact between the project owners and the crews and managers actually working on the job is crucial to its overall success.

The difficulty is though how can a project owner possibly tell before they make a decision between groundwork contractors how communications and relationships will go on a project they have no even awarded yet? The actual fact is though that the way communications proceed throughout the initial contact period is a very good indicator of how they would proceed in the future as well.

These days almost all of the groundwork contractors London has to offer have a website, which makes sense as the Internet is where most people begin their search for almost anything, including professional services like groundwork. All of these websites also usually offer an easy contact form, sometimes on every page. This is a great first sign yes?

Maybe not. The contact form will have been put there by whoever it was who happened to build the website as a matter of course, this is something every business website has. What is more important – and more telling – is how fast an actual human being then responds to that contact form. If days pass before you hear from anyone this is not a good sign. Either the company is too busy to deal with you or they are just not very good at keeping up with communications. Neither of these things bodes well for how a project might proceed in the future.

Actually getting along with the people who will be working on your project is important as well. If these are people you are going to have to deal with on a daily basis that is more important than you might think.

A good way to get insight into this issue is to make "how well did x communicate with you?" one of the questions you ask when you are checking the references of the various groundwork contractors you are considering. Price and experience are certainly very important but actually being able to work together to bring a project to a successful conclusion is just as crucial. 

Vanquin Construction Ltd
Hawkco House
35 Horn Lane
Acton, London, W3 6NS



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Demolition Service London – Leading Groundwork Company Offers Keys to a Successful Project

Demolition service is often a large part of of a construction project and it can be a very disruptive process if areas around the construction site are still need to be in use and safe to access. For example, take the news that the popular BBC drama 'Call the Midwife' has had to undergo a complete script change as the site where the drama is filmed is undergoing a demolition and construction process that now has to be written into the show!

As one of the leading groundworks company in London has to offer and one that is very experienced in the field of demolition process in london –  Vanquin Construction know all about the disruption demolition can cause. Fortunately, with many years of experience between them their crews also know the best ways to keep that disruption to a minimum to ensure that such projects go as smoothly, and as safely as possible.

Explains a spokesperson for the company "Construction companies and project owners in London need to be able to delegate the task of demolition work to a firm that understands everything about the demolition process, from permitting to site clearance and the continual observation of health and safety practices. Vanquin Construction is one of the leading groundwork companies London offers that has extensive demolition experience in all of these areas."

"In addition everybody at our firm is mandated to undergo ongoing training. Not only does this help make the demolition process more efficient and cost-effective for clients, but also helps ensure the safety of everybody on our team."

Vanquin are also a company that make use of the latest technology to ensure that a demolition process is completed as smoothly and safely as possible. According to the firm, in areas where sending in a human crew might not be safe, or in very sensitive areas where activity is still ongoing, they will consider using robotic controlled demolition instead. This involves using sophisticated Brokk machines that can be controlled from up to 50 metres away but are nimble enough to be maneuvered through a standard doorway.

As one of the most diverse groundwork companies London has to offer Vanquin Construction offer a full range of other services that compliment their demolition work. The company offers civil engineering services, pre-construction consulting and a wide range of general groundwork services to help ensure the success of construction projects large and small.



Leading Construction Company Making Demolition Service Wide More Efficient with Cutting Edge Technology

Demolition jobs can be very tricky and dangerous things, even for the most experienced and professional of demolition crews. Yet demolition is also often a very important part of a construction or renovation project and has to be completed successfully in order for a project to proceed. Technology can help make the demolition service process safer and more efficient though and robotic controlled demolition is one of those advances.

Not all of the Groundwork companies in London has to offer use robotic controlled demolition but one that does on a regular basis is Vanquin Construction, a leading provider of groundwork services in the London area that regularly performs demolition services wide.

What are the advantages of being able to offer robotic demolition services to project owners? Says a spokesperson for the company "Robotic demolition is a very efficient, speedy and safe alternative to traditional hand-held tools and can be used internally and externally, making it the right choice for many projects. It may not always be the best choice, sometimes more traditional techniques are called for, but we are fortunate that our very skilled and experienced crews know exactly which techniques and machines are best suited for every unique project they undertake"


The machines used by the company are provided by Brokk, the leading provider of remote controlled demolition machines for over twenty years. The models that Vanquin work with are extremely versatile and are excellent for use in sensitive areas or locations that might simply be to dangerous for human demolition crews to navigate. 


As one of the most respected of the groundwork companies London has to offer Vanquin do offer far more than just demolition services to project owners. Another of the rather specialized services the company offers, one that many other groundwork companies London is home do do not are pre-construction planning and advisory services. Explains the spokesperson "Clients profit from our advice and assistance on initial costing and, cost planning and forecasting, expert knowledge on method statements and risk assessments. have a highly trained planning and estimating team, so our clients and us know exactly how a project will be carried out from its conception, we feel this is the best way to gain trust and build a brighter future together. Our estimating team also includes budgetary advice and options so we can deliver a cost effective project."

Other services offered by Vanquin include civil engineering, concrete framing and a wide variety of general groundwork services

Important Considerations When Choosing Between the Groundwork Companies in London Has to Offer

Important Considerations When Choosing Between the Groundwork Companies in London Has to Offer.


When it comes to groundwork companies in London does have a lot of them to chose from. There is however a right and a wrong way to go about choosing the right company for your project and what it may surprise you to know is that the tradition of going for the low bid – a tactic usually employed by councils when commissioning and awarding contracts for projects – is not the best way for a private company to go about making their selection.

In fact, project owners would do best to actually look beyond price at the beginning stages of choosing between the various groundwork companies  has to offer.  Instead the very first consideration should be the project history and industry reputations of each companies under consideration.

Reading references and testimonials is not enough. Most of the groundwork companies is home to understand that if they are presenting a potential client with a reference if that person or company is sensible it will be checked.

This is certainly something you should do and do thoroughly, but you should also do a little digging of your own. Google the companies under consideration to see what comes up. A company is never going to disclose negatives that have been said about their work but the Internet will. These days if people have gripes and complaints about almost anything they will post them on the Internet somewhere.

Another important consideration is basic 'fit'. Over the course of the average construction project project owners and project managers will have to spend a considerable amount of time working and interacting with whichever of the  groundwork companies has to choose from they select.

Therefore it is actually rather important to interview some of the key personnel from each firm you are considering simply for the purpose of seeing how well you are able to communicate. If these meetings do not go well and you do not feel comfortable with these people things are not going to get any better and you should direct your attention to the next company on your list.

Once you have done all of the above and have narrowed your choices to a handful of the groundwork contractors In London offers then it is finally time to compare costs. Request that each of the companies prepare and submit a basic project estimate. In doing so though make sure you have been as clear about just what you are looking for and the scope of the work as possible, you will get a far more accurate figure that way. 

It is very important however to keep mind that a small price difference will never justify choosing a less qualified contractor, so be make sure that you keep all of the other 'work' you did to evaluate the companies in mind before awarding your contract to any of them.  

Article Source: http://www.vanquin.co.uk/important-considerations-when-choosing-between-the-groundwork-companies-in-london-has-to-offer