Customer Care Policy

Vanquin Construction has a high regard for and gives serious attention to our customers; (our clients, their customers and those affected by our works).

Vanquin Construction recognises that effective and efficient management, in partnership with our customers, will provide the best service to all those concerned, will maintain high standards, directly reduce the cost of construction and improve performance within the market place.
Quality, meeting programmes and the satisfaction of our clients is our priority.

Our Policy
Vanquin Construction, its operational board and managers will:

  • Consult all those affected prior to undertaking activities
  • Give clear notification of works to be undertaken
  • Protect property and the environment during construction
  • Provide comprehensive safety against accidental injury
  • Supply a caring service and response to customer needs
  • Welcome enquiries and provide information
  • Provide the opportunity for views to be expressed
  • Monitor, assess and improve our service through customer questionnaires and appraisals
  • Provide after service care

Our Key Responsibilities

Vanquin Construction is accountable for customer care matters and requires its operational board and their managers to be responsible for customer care performance within their areas.

ALL EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, and CLIENTS are requested to co-operate fully in delivery of this policy in order to achieve the continual improvement we seek.

Our Organisation
The organisation and arrangements for customer care management within Vanquin Construction are detailed within our Customer Satisfaction Procedure.

Each Director is responsible to the Managing Director for the implementation of this Policy within their areas of control.

The Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Managers are responsible for the introduction and maintenance of supporting management systems to ensure  compliance with this policy.

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