As new legislation is continually coming into force we take the necessary responsibility to ensure that all our obligations are met with regard to:
Method statements
Risk assessments
Site safety policy
Continuous monitoring of Health & Safety requirements.
We will produce a full site specific package covering all these matters for each new contract.
We take the safety of our personnel and those around us very seriously and have a safety track to prove it.
We are aware that the construction industry, despite recent health and safety legislation, continues to have an unacceptably high level of fatal accidents and serious injuries.
As we continue with our progression in an industry that is also advancing in terms of technology, the development of ever more sophisticated plant, new construction techniques and increasing size and complexity of projects, Vanquin Construction believe that through a more professional management philosophy, planning, training and with the cascading of the safety aspects of construction will thrive.
Each part of our organisation shall identify risks, and demonstrate how these risks will be managed. We will continue to carry out our works in a safe manner and endeavor to minimize the likelihood that anyone is injured or suffers as a result of our activities.
We will take the steps necessary to ensure that safety is adequately resourced and is continually placed equal in rank to production and commercial issues. We will also ensure that clearly defined and robust communications and meetings systems exist for the transmission of information both internal and external, especially for health and safety matters, whether person to person, between teams, upwards or downwards.
The creation of fully trained and demonstrably competent teams for both offices and sites, based on a regular review of personal abilities, timely intervention for personal development, etc., and the maintenance of full knowledge of personal roles and responsibilities will be a key element in the implementation of the intent of this safety policy.
This safety policy also states that it is the responsibility of all our employees, our contractors and our designers to carry out their duties with due regard for their own safety and the safety of the people that may be affected by their activities. Our employees, our contractors and our designers must fully conform to the Site Rules. Vanquin Construction continues to support and will develop this culture with every person employed by us or involved in our works.
We are positive that we will continue our excellent safety record and are confident that the procedures within the company safety manual, when properly applied at each construction site, will enhance our ability to keep accidents and ill-health at minimal levels. If accidents do occur, we will ensure that they are reported, fully recorded and investigated, with appropriate actions taken to prevent recurrence. Each of our staff shall know how to react to a site emergency.
Adequate steps will also be taken by our organization to conform with legal and good-neighbour requirements to protect the environment from our activities.
We will ensure that our health, safety and environmental arrangements are suitably and sufficiently monitored, and that this policy statement and the arrangements it introduces are reviewed at appropriate intervals, especially following changes to legal requirements.